About me

Why I make this type of content and what to expect here

I am a researcher in bioinformatics with a PhD in plant biology. I am currently doing a postdoc in genomics, though when I was doing my master’s in immunology I never thought I’d ever want to touch code in my life. R is my favorite language, because it is chaotic, like me, and there are many ways to go about solving problems with it. I like to learn a lot of things and writing is cathartic for me, hence why I created this space. I am writing a novel about photosynthesizing elves, but it’s probably too geeky for anyone’s taste, sooo instead I write tutorials on things that I felt took too much effort to learn on my own and could have been faster if I’d had access to this material, in the hopes that it will help the next ‘me’ out there. Apart from that, I am curious about nearly everything and I enjoy trying out many sports. The one I stuck to that is the most rewarding is trail running. Hope you find something interesting!