How to install the Robitools

Introduction The OBITools are a set of tools meant to format, edit, filter and analyze environmental DNA (eDNA) next generation sequencing (NGS) data in the command line using bash. They were developed at the Laboratoire d’Ecologie ALpine (LECA), in Grenoble, France. There are many other pipelines for metabarcoding data analysis, but if you choose these, so as long as you can format your files for the OBITools (a sometimes non-trivial task, I know…), they are fairly easy to get a handle on. [Read More]

Biathlon data analysis

This week I’m at a metabarcoding school in Norway, so it gets dark very early and I have time for another post. In honor of the 2018 Winter Olympics finally kicking off, I asked a friend of mine who loves sports what data he would be interested in seeing in the sports that are in the winter Olympics and he answered “biathlon.” I found a website that collects lots of data on the sport called biathlonresults. [Read More]